Terms of Service

This portal is meant to be utilised for collaboration between partners , individuals or insitutions. The purpose of the portal is purely knowledge and information sharing. Care must be exercised while sharing the relevant information of knolwledge . any defmatory content such as racial, sexual , political or others is strictly probibited. These contents , if reported, shall be deleted from the portal without any prior notification and ICTAK may impose restrictions for such users. In some extreme cases, users would be terminated from the portal as well.

The ownership for the contents published/shared lies with the individual, institution or partners who are creating or sharing it . Any liability arising out of any violation of the prevailing laws of the respective locations, shall be the responsibility of the content owner (in this case the person (s) who shared it , or who created it). ICTAK shall not undertake any liability arising out of such violations

ICTAK , from time to time shall be checking the activities of users and by signingup , the user agrees to provide unconditional approval to monitor such activities. In the process, if the user is found to be inactive for more than 6 months, ICTAK may cancel the registration os such users and shall be notified of it. Such user contents will get automatically purged as part of the exercise. Users are therefore advised to keep a backup of all their contents on thier own private computational or storage devices

There will be restrictions on the amount of contents (audio , video) that can be uploaded onto the platform. ICTAK, from time to time may change such limits and it will be notified by the user.  By signing up, the user agrees to abide by such restrictions all the time.